& Recently . . .

Tidings of Joy

Folks, Yankee Pot Roast is calling it a year. In 2003, we had many good times and only a few bad. We made many new friends and some enemies, too. We thank all our readers, all our writers, all our…

The Roastee Responds

by Neal Pollack

Imagine if you were to wake up from an innocent sleep on Monday morning after a nice weekend with your family only to find that a bunch of strangers were waiting at your front door to kick you in the…

Never Mind the One-Liners

by Henny Youngman*

Neal, it’s almost Christmas and you’ve given me the best gift I could possibly ask for. You never come over anymore. Seriously though, folks, every night I get into bed, I take off my clothes and I read one of…

Polish Fact

Population Density:

Learn a Foreign Tongue!

Learn Many Languages!
Meat-stuffed pasta pocket:
Ravioli (Italian)
Wonton (Cantonese)
Kreplach (Yiddish)
Pierogi (Polish)
Pelmeni (Russian)

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© MMV, Y.P.R. & Co.
Thursday, December 25, 2003   |    Etc.

MMIII: The Whole Kit & Caboodle

This is the year that was.