& Recently . . .

Scientific Study Finds That Chickens Think about the Future

by Raleigh Drennon

Chickens do not just live in the present, but can anticipate the future and demonstrate self-control, something previously attributed only to humans and other primates, according to a recent study. —Discovery News So, what are you thinking about the future…

May We Use Your Loo?

Your humble coëditor, Josh Abraham, will be directing an independent feature film. It’s called American Standard, and will star these extraoridnarily talented, funny, beautiful people. But we need places in which to put them! In The Can Production is seeking…

Questions for Discussion

by Joseph Rogers

1. In the Cannon Beach wedding scene, Joseph is already foreshadowing not-so-happy endings. “We kissed. Everyone released colorful kites into the sky, the wind taking them where it wanted. None of the barefoot guests knew how to operate a kite but they steered with those attached strings nonetheless. Soon one kite would wind up all tangled together with another and both would dive urgently into the sand” (p. 41). How does Joseph ever expect things to work out if he’s going to be such a melodramatic something-something his whole life? Discuss…

The Adventures of Dr. Squat: “Aunt Linda, You’re a Pig”

by Michael Fahy

Aunt Linda’s Hindenberg rear end was so big that it would be easier to jump over her than it would be to try and walk around. She was married to Uncle Freddie. Once, when we were up north fishing, he…

Polish Fact

Machine building, iron and steel, coal mining, chemicals, shipbuilding, food processing, glass, beverages, textiles.

Learn a Foreign Tongue!

Learn Many Languages!
Meat-stuffed pasta pocket:
Ravioli (Italian)
Wonton (Cantonese)
Kreplach (Yiddish)
Pierogi (Polish)
Pelmeni (Russian)

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© MMV, Y.P.R. & Co.
Friday, November 11, 2005   |    Etc.

Wherefore Art Thou, Y.P.R.?

Well, it appears we’ve pulled one of our trademark disappearing acts again. We do this from time to time without warning and for no apparent reason. This serves one of two purposes:

1) To create an abuser/enabler relationship with our loyal readers, thereby fostering an atmosphere of fear and making them come back for more.


2) To appear daring and mysterious, thereby piquing the curiosity of our loyal readership and making them come back for more.

Really, it’s anyone’s guess. The salient point is that you keep coming back and, over the last three days, have become really informed about the forward-thinkingness (we made this word up) of chickens.

This note is to inform you that next week will feature all-new Y.P.R., some life-altering satire, the return of Y.P.R.’s prize-winning Book Club and a guest cameo by veteran character actor Paul Dooley 1.

In the meantime:

- Go to Cracked
- Submit for Book Club
- Take care of one another


1This is probably not true.