Sunday, January 1, 2006 |
Selected Words and Phrases from William Safire's "On Words" Column That Reveal a Libertine Heart Beating within the Conservative Wordsmith's Bosom
Perhaps he’s just extra saucy this morn from New Year’s Eve revelry, but today’s column is simply engorged with innocent-but-suggestive terms:
* jaws of coming
* snatched
* plucked
* snatched
* snatching (not plucking)
* phrasedicks
* plucked
* snatched
* jawboning
* huffs
* puffs
* fallacious
* San Francisco saloonkeeper
How many Times pieces can thrust four snatches into as many pargraphs?
“Clichés for ’06,” The New York Times, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2006.