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by Eric Feezell

I’m Deeply Sorry

by Tony Antoniadis

Once There Was a Day

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Literary Quagmire
Friday, March 17, 2006   |    Contributors' Notes

Housley, Dave

Dave Housley has been to exactly one KISS concert in
his life, at an indoor arena that seemed to encourage
smoking but didn’t allow the consumption of alcoholic
beverages. He vividly remembers sobering up sometime
in the middle of the concert, only to be overcome by
the shout-sung between song preening of Paul Stanley.
His (Dave’s, not Paul Stanley’s) work has appeared or
is forthcoming in the Backwards City Review, FRiGG,
Gargoyle, Gulf Stream, Hobart, and the Potomac Review.
He is a co-founder and fiction editor at Barrelhouse

Paul Stanley Summarizes The Tragedies of William Shakespeare During Between-Song Banter from the 1977-78 KISS Alive II Tour by Dave Housley