American Standard The Movie
& Recently . . .

Dear Mr. Cigarette

by Erik Wennermark

Mr. Cigarette c/o My Virtual Counselor Quit Right!™ Nicotine Replacement Systems 15 Washington Blvd Suite 25A Plattsmouth, NE 68048 Dear Mr. Cigarette, I have to say right off the bat that I feel a little weird writing you, but my…

Wedding Weekend… Sha La La La

by Nick Jezarian

Polish Fact

Polish-American Athletes
Carol Blazejowski (G.M., N.Y. Liberty)
Tom Gola (Forward, Philadelphia Warriors, N.Y. Knicks)
Sebastian "Sea Bass" Janikowski (Oakland Raiders)
Ron "Jaws" Jaworski (QB, L.A. Rams, Philadelphia Eagles)
Hank Stram (Coach, Kansas City Chiefs)

Learn a Foreign Tongue!

Impari L'Italiano
Buone notizie per la gente che ama le notizie difettose.
Good news for people who love bad news.

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