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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Classic Kung Fu Titles That Would Make for Some Disturbingly Bad Porn

Daniel McArdle

  1. Seven Blows of the Dragon

  2. Faster Blade, Poisonous Darts!

  3. The Fist, the Kicks and the Evils

  4. Seven Man Army

  5. Drunken Monkey

  6. Sixty Second Assassin

  7. Enter the Dragon

  8. Charlie One-Eye

  9. Iron Swallow

  10. Men from the Monastery

  11. Shaolin Invincible Sticks

  12. The 36 Deadly Styles

  13. Five Lady Venoms

  14. Two Toothless Tigers

  15. Dreaming Fists with Slender Hands!

Daniel McArdle is a freelance graphic designer/trailing spouse/kept man living in Hong Kong with his wife and two daughters. He presently finds solace in collecting short story rejections and in dragging his aged body around soccer pitches, scoring occasional goals and correcting other players who think he is Canadian (he is not).