Thursday, August 14, 2008

Richard Grayson1—the formerly underrated author, not the Boy Wonder—provides a lengthy review of Yankee Pot Roast’s Underrated book signing and discussion, held earlier this week at the Borders bookstore in Columbus Circle, N.Y.C.:

“Anyway, they discussed other underrated things and argued a little, giving us a good feel for how they worked on the book and the complete disgust they must have for each other by now, though they have to hide it, of course, since they’re trying to sell this book so they can write, of course, another book, Overrated, which will be much more fun since most people prefer to make fun and criticize others and their creations, which is the point of all blogs except this one.”

Monday Evening at the Columbus Circle Borders: Geoff Wolinetz, Nick Jezarian, and Josh Abraham’s ‘Underrated’,” by Richard Grayson, Dumbo Books of Brooklyn

1. Full disclosure: Many years ago, Mr. Grayson wrote some clever bits for Y.P.R.: “I Love Scrushy,” “Girl with Pearl Drops Toothpaste,” and “Great Moments in Pantyhose Jurisprudence.”

I Don’t Understand Why My Amateur Party-Motivating Service Is Losing Business Sing it with me, people! Ain’t no party like a one-where-I-release-live-bees partaaay! Heyyy! Hoooo!!
Adventure on the Moors! A Brontë Choose Your Own Adventure If you decide to follow Mr Heathcliff into the manor, turn to page 142.
Zack and Miri Make a Pruno Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks discuss the challenges of making fruity swill for the prudish M.P.A.A.

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