Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Oregonian

Underrated scored a brief mention in The Oregonian’s Pop Talk feature, in which we are referred to as “waggish satirists.” Um, hooray for the Hazelnut State!

Oregon Rates!,” by Kristi Turnquist, The Oregonian.

Sacramento News & Review

Also, an equally brief but equally positive note from The Sacramento News & Review, in which our calculations are called “complicated, Freakonomics-style.” Well, SN&R is half-right, although it looks like the Freaky Steves used legitimate math. We just made up numbers. (Shh!)

Underrated review by Kel Munger, SN&R.

I Am Glad My Childhood Dreams Did Not Come True I wanted to wear X-Ray Specs, use the Force, and be the Six-Million Dollar Man.
Met the Authors Richard Grayson reviews Y.P.R.'s Underrated book signing and discussion.
I Don’t Understand Why My Amateur Party-Motivating Service Is Losing Business Sing it with me, people! Ain’t no party like a one-where-I-release-live-bees partaaay! Heyyy! Hoooo!!

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