Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reprinting some of Y.P.R.’s geekiest Comics, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy stuff.

Ridley Scott's Monopoly by Lincoln Michel

Hot Summer Looks Courtesy of Hollywood by Federico Garduño

The President of Banana Republic Addresses the Marketing Employee Who Mistakenly Sent Out a $15 Gift Card You know what you did when you decided to send out a free fifteen bucks to her? You positively reinforced that cheap-ass behavior. By sending that card to her, you said that Banana Republic is O.K. with getting walked all over by customers like Vicky Fucking Sweeney.
Make-Another-Wish Making dreams come true in a recession.
Downturn Trends in Decorative Throw Pillows Cleats: Perfect for the spacious rec room that seemed like such a good idea before the housing crisis.

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