Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ode to the Spork


Oh unsung hero of hot lunch
How you get us through our
Green beans and apple sauce
You are truly the companion
Of a plastic-wrapped napkin
You give so much of yourself
For you have so much to give
But how will you compensate
For a knife?

J. D. McGregor is the pen name of Y.P.R.’s foreign correspondent, currently residing in Jerusalem, Israel, where he is studying Torah and learning to bake a bitchin’ kugel.

Three Poems Judaism | World Series Tickets | What You Did When Your Wife Left for a Little While to Visit Her Mom in the Bronx
Poems! We've Got Poems! The important free-verse kind, not the fun rhymey kind.
Death by Listicle Prom Dates from Hell / Other Ways to Skin a Cat / Alternatives to "Finish Him!" in Mortal Kombat / Expiration by Twinkie / Other Things That Are Killing Me Softly

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