Aileen Gallagher

Aileen Gallagher is a longtime resident of Astoria, Queens and a former managing editor of The Black Table. She drinks Jameson's on the rocks to impress men, but it never works and she just ends up lonely and loaded. Help her.

Nick's Guff
Aileen Gallagher Up in the Guff Spot [Editor's Note: This installment of Guff is brought to you by the lovely and talented former Black Table editor, Aileen Gallagher.]

It only takes a sentence to get out of babysitting for life.

Two acquaintances of mine are recent fathers. One joined the club about a month ago and another a few years ago. Both of these men are writers and I see them around at parties and readings and bars.

It was after a reading that I repelled them. I’ll allow for the fact that I’d been drinking for a while and otherwise might have kept this observation to myself. But I was right, as you’ll see.

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