Copper Smith

A Six-Year-Old with a Future in Elected Politics Tackles a Tough Question My opponent and older brother, Tyler, in an effort to distract the parents of this household from the real issues--like the still unanswered questions regarding the whereabouts of Mom's scissors--has brought up the issue of my misguided urination adventures.
How To
Dating and Relationship Advice from the Guy Who Honks His Horn Repeatedly While Slowly Driving Past Women As you slowly creep past her, blaring your car's horn and showering her with unwanted profanity-laced comments about her body, you've got to show her that you're in it for the long haul, not seeking some superficial one-night stand.
I Am an Aspiring Blurb Writer "Eviction letters don't get more direct or tersely composed than this stunning début from EmersonVilla Management."
Jesus Loves You He's just not in love with you.

Tyler Stoddard Smith & Matt Terl is the previous archive.

J. D. Smith is the next archive.

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