Daniel Byard Cox

Daniel Byard Cox is an electrical engineer in Chicago where he spends his days squinting at tiny circuit boards with solder irons in both hands, inhaling poisonous lead-laced fumes and trying not to burn himself. Dan says the burns hurt but his wounds are instantly cauterized. So—not to be outdone by Carl—he has that going for him. Plus, he gets a meager salary and a fulfillment enjoyed only by those in the legions of anonymous servants of "The Man." Yes, Danny Boy is a happy fellow whose work can be found at McSweeney’s and in unopened emails in the inboxes of his friends.

The Iceman You Didn’t Hear About In 1991, two hikers discovered a 5000-year-old corpse. Scientists identified the ancient man as a hunter or trader from the Neolithic or ‘New’ Stone Age. Because his corpse was exhumed from the icy Alps, and he was likely preserved in...
Human Brain and Animal Brain, Analogous? No!: A Keen Example of Objective Scientific Argument by Professor Pierre Dugelay, Ph.D., Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Translation to English Permitted for Higher Education Purposes Only The human brain is quite elaborate. It employs electrochemical mechanisms and triggers physiological responses so complex that even science has struggled to understand it all. Many scientists would, in fact, categorize the human brain as a “final frontier.” The depths...
Rock Stars Enjoying Anonymity Featuring Gavin Whodale and Dave Nawhatso?
Scenes from "C.S.I.: Podunk" Agents Hucksley & Muff are standing over the victim's corpse. HUCKSLEYI reckon he’s dead all right. Cause o’ death? MUFFSheriff say shotgun, close range. HUCKSLEYWe got an ID? MUFFCollerton’s boy. HUCKSLEYHow ’bout evidence? MUFFJust them prints in the snow...

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