Dave Housley

Dave Housley is a Web geek and writer who lives outside Washington, D.C. His first book of short stories, Ryan Seacrest Is Famous, was just published by Impetus Press.

Jakob Neilson's Top Ten Design Mistakes in the Human Condition, 2007 Poor navigation, nonresponsive support, and the complete lack of concrete results top this year's list of design mistakes in the human condition, according to the 2007 user survey from noted usability expert Jakob Neilson.
The Bourne Letters: Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida Pennsylvania is a nondescript series of convenience stores, sleepwalking civilians, and gently rolling mountains. Should have picked up a magazine or a book or something at the bus depot. These guns take up all the room in my bag and aside from the medical kit and the electronic devices, the thing for jimmying doors, and the quarter stick of dynamite, plus the travel razor and that gel stuff that makes my cowlick turn down, there's hardly room for anything else.
Jack Bauer, Applebee's
Excerpts from 360-Degree Peer Review: Jack Bauer, Applebee's Assistant Manager The following comments have been taken from the 360-degree peer review for Jack Bauer [Employee #22132] at Store 332, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. We provide these comments to you purely in the interest of self-improvement. You are a valuable part of the Applebee's team, and we hope you can use this feedback from your fellow employees to continue to make Applebee's America's neighborhood restaurant.
Paul Stanley Summarizes The Tragedies of William Shakespeare During Between-Song Banter from the 1977-78 KISS Alive II Tour Assembly CenterTulsa, Oklahoma, January 26, 1977 Paul: Yeah! You all are crazy, Tulsa! I think ... I think ... I think Tulsa might be the craziest place we played ON THIS TOUR. That's right, Tulsa! You know what gets me...

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