Kenneth Schroeder

Kenneth Schroeder, legal, non-felon Texas resident, and prolific twenty-three year old doer of absolutely nothing important. Likes: writing idiotic stories about various topics. Dislikes: pretty much everything else.

Even Sexy Adventurers Get the Blues: A Dickerson P. Cockley Adventure dickerson2.jpg"Is that it?" He screamed at me. "You had enough?"
Because I Wrestle Alligators: A Dickerson P. Cockley Adventure Because I Wrestle AlligatorsI'm standing in line at the convenience store the other day when I notice someone staring at me. I'm immediately consumed by righteous anger, and grab for the garrote wire and fillet knife I always carry in a sling around my neck. Just as I'm about to put an end to this nosy fucker's busy, intrusive life, I notice she's a she, and very hot. I mean hot, like hot enough to make you want to slice off your ear and mail it to her. Well, maybe not that hot. Someone else's ear then ...

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