Mary Phillips-Sandy

Mary Phillips-Sandy lives, writes, frolics, and rages in Brooklyn, though she is originally from Maine and has a tattoo to prove it. She has written for BUST, KGB Bar Lit, BITEMagazine, A Cautionary Tale, The Edward Society, and other fine publications. If you are at all interested in Grover Cleveland, you should visit her website,

Unintended Consequences of Six Oft-Forgotten Tariffs The Tariff of 1828 (a.k.a. "the Tariff of Abominations")
Inspired by Sean Combs, Musicians Rush to Launch Fragrances Diddy: Unforgivable. A breathtaking fragrance that says sexy, rich, unique, and passionate. The soul of Unforgivable is slightly dangerous and explosive, yet cool. "Life without passion is unforgivable." Stephen Malkmus: Incomprehensible. A conduit fragrance that says recorder grot, wounded-kite. Dental...
Those from Whom No Guff Will Be Brooked Ne'er-Do-Wells, Shams, Thoughtless Cads, Fusspots, Whippersnappers, and more ...

Mary Phillips-Sandy & Bryan Bruchman is the previous archive.

Sam Pink is the next archive.

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