From the Y.P.aRchives

While Y.P.R.'s overhaul is underway, the archived archives remain browsably perusable. Old Blue. Middle Period. This one was designed by Jon Armstrong.

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Learn Français!

Les filles gros-basées, vous faites le monde basculant circuler.
Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go 'round.


Golpéeme, bebé, una más vez.
Hit me, baby, one more time.

Learn Portuguese!

Christ Doce! Esse prostitute é realmente um homem!
Sweet Christ, that prostitute is really a man!

Impari L'Italiano

Buone notizie per la gente che ama le notizie difettose.
Good news for people who love bad news.

Learn Portuguese

Não é tevê, ele é HBO.
It's not TV, it's HBO.

Learn Spanish!

¡Choque y temor! ¡Misión lograda! ¿Qué guerra?
Shock and awe! Mission accomplished! What war?

Learn Spanish!

Los talentos de Andy Richter se pierden totalmente en "Quintuplets."
Andy Richter's talents are completely wasted on "Quintuplets."

Learn Portuguese!

Pergunte a seu doutor se Paxil for direito para você.
Ask your doctor if Paxil is right for you.

Learn Yiddish!

Der Tog nokh der Morgn.
The Day after Tomorrow.

Learn Latin!

Mea culpa.
My bad.

Learn German!

Gute Himmel, haben Sie einen reizenden Busen. Mag ich ihn berühren?
Good heavens, you have a lovely bosom. May I touch it?

Learn Many Languages!

Meat-stuffed pasta pocket:
Ravioli (Italian)
Wonton (Cantonese)
Kreplach (Yiddish)
Pierogi (Polish)
Pelmeni (Russian)