Nathan Thornton

Nathan Thornton lives, eats and sleeps in Columbus, Ohio, where he writes hilarious bios to accompany humor pieces, then shakes his head, reconsiders, and decides to play it straight. His work has appeared in a couple of other places, but he doesn't like to make a big deal about it. And although he refers to himself in the third person, Nathan Thornton is me.

Warning-Label Copy That Would Benefit from Tighter Editing Careful, the beverage you’re about to enjoy may be extremely hot. And there’s a good chance you won’t even enjoy it, actually. You know how it has that weird burnt taste sometimes, especially when Travis makes it?
Michael Winslow Pens His Memoirs To most of my fans, I was simply “the guy in Police Academy who made all the sound effects with his mouth.” But there’s much more to my career than that. For instance, I was also the guy in Spaceballs who made all the sound effects with his mouth.
What Not to Give Trick-or-Treaters on Hallowe'en Night Crap in a pumpkin-shaped bucket. Boo.
How To
Which Saved by the Bell Character Are You? Are you a Screech or a Lisa Turtle? Take our handy quiz and find out.
Hollywood's Most Hilarious Bleeps, Boners, and Flub-Ups: Nicolas Cage Edition Potted PlantHollywood spends billions and billions of dollars on Nicolas Cage movies every year. Half the time these movies come out with some craaaazy mistakes in them.
Why You Will Like Me, Probably How to Win Friends and Influence PeopleGood afternoon. Of course, I realize that you could be reading this at any time of the day, but I'm wagering that it is indeed afternoon. If I'm wrong, so be it, but I'm the kind of person who always takes a firm stand on things, starting with the bold assertion of the introductory sentence. This sort of take-the-reigns, stand-your-ground, believe-in-yourself attitude is the first of many things that I think you will like about me, probably.

Brian Thomspon is the previous archive.

Matthew Tobey is the next archive.

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