Steve Finbow

The Four Pop Stars With a nod and a wink to Monty Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch.
A Walking Tour of St. Petersburg and Environs with Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky 7 a.m.: Meeting place--N_____ office. Walk slowly along S. Place until you come to K. Bridge. Cross K. Bridge and walk all the way to V___ Prospect.
8 a.m.: Stop for breakfast at _____ Hotel ...
The White Stripes at the Hotel Yorba Personal Assistant: Hello, operator. I would like to book a room for Meg and Jack of the White Stripes.
Receptionist: Oh, the popular beat combo--of course ...
Eminem at the Ambient Hotel I’m sorry, Mr. Mathers
From this I gather
You’ve dialed my number
because you cannot slumber? ...
Tom Waits for No Man Taxi Driver: Where to, guv?
Tom Waits: Wanna go town, town, town, and don’t call me that name,
I said town, town, town, or I’ll take the train.
Taxi Driver: All right, ’Old your ’air on. Whereabouts? ...
Reader’s Block I hate deciding which book to read. The smallest things sway me. A seagull overhead makes me reach for Lord Jim. The temperature drops to minus one and I’m hunkering down with Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow. If I feel...
Pop Stars in Hotel Rooms: An Occasional Series She plans to book into the hotel just after 1:30 p.m. The schedule her secretary gave her before she set out this morning stipulated that the check-in time was 2 p.m., but she is certain that being 30 minutes early...
Nappy Days A city apartment. A child. Morning. Samuel Beckett, sitting on a low stool, is staring out of the window. He holds his head in both hands, sighing. He gets up, stretches, blinks, sits again. In the centre of the room...

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