Trevor Macomber

Black Friday Doorbuster Specials at the Dollar Store! Knockoff brand names at F.D.A.–rejected Chinese brand prices!
Friday Doorbuster Specials at the Dollar Store! Knockoff brand names at F.D.A.–rejected Chinese brand prices!
Excerpts from Amelia Bedelia Joins CTU The inept housemaid stumbles into saving the day.
Rejected Submissions to Mother Goose's New and Improved Anthology of Classic Children's Nursery Rhymes Jack Sprat could eat no fat;
His wife could eat no lean.
And so betwixt the two of them
They died of malnutrition.
One Amateur Writer's In-Depth Analysis Of A First Grader's Creative Writing Exercise Context: During a two week long unit on weather, the students from one first grade class at an elementary school in Rhode Island are instructed to write a story about clouds. They are given approximately 45 minutes in which to...

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