Does the Appropriation by Target of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" Disquiet You?

Your Disquieting Modern Trendsetters request the pleasure of your commentary. Is Target's recent "Baby Got Back (Pack)" advertisement a modern trend that sparks disquitude? Please drop Messers Layman and Osmond an e-mail.

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Thursday, November 20, 2003   |    Birthday Cards to Celebrities

Derek, Bo

November 20, 1956 | Bo Derek | actress


Dear Bo,

Horse? Check.
Beach? Check.
Braids? Check.
Short British man with alcohol-induced impotency? Check.
Music by Ravel? Check.

O.K., here’s the deal. I’m shooting, 10: 25 Years Later, and I’d love for you to reprise your role. As you can see, I’ve got everything we need to take care of business. In the wake of Dudley’s demise, I’ve arranged for his part to be played by versatile veteran character actor Rowan Atkinson (“Mr. Bean”). I don’t want to jinx it, but we’re in negotiations to have Jm J. Bullock play the Robert Webber part. Dame Maggie Smith will be taking the place of Julie Andrews because Ms. Andrew’s doesn’t think that it’s a “real movie” when you shoot in someone’s mother’s basement.

Anyway, let me know your availability.

Oh, Happy Birthday!

Geoff Wolinetz