Chris Granger

Chris Granger is the one-kidney wonder of a loving family and select group of hateful friends. He would like to dedicate at least his prurient writings to Sarah Beth Cole. At the moment, everything he's ever written has been prurient. He's also a researcher par excellence of Pentecostal glossolalia.

My Weekend! Friday Night! Friday had finally arrived! I remember I had 26 more fishhooks to bend and then I could’ve gone home. Of course, Ebenezer Buckwalds, my employer in the Fishhook Industry, somehow managed to find 200 unbent fishhooks under my...
What It's Like to Have Sex with Me You say, “(Pretend like you’re rapping in French).” I say, “Those are stage directions. Notice the parentheses.”

Brian Graham is the previous archive.

Richard Grayson is the next archive.

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