Robin Slick

Robin Slick resides in downtown Philadelphia and just returned from East Germany where her young rock-star kiddies performed with ex-members of Frank Zappa's band at a four-day festival devoted to his music. Her kids caught her smoking black hash backstage with Ike Willis, former bandmate to Frank Zappa, and have still not recovered. Her short fiction appears in NFG, Hackwriters, Small Spiral Notebook, Nagoya Writes, In Posse Review, Insolent Rudder, Fiction Warehouse, and Flashquake. Her new novel, Three Days in New York City, is currently in the hands of a big N.Y.C. agent and one in London. She has read at KGB Bar but was too drunk to remember if she was any good.

Daddy Left Me Alone with God God sprawled on the bed at the Plaza Hotel and strummed His guitar while my father sat at a nearby table and chopped up a couple lines of coke. "Knock it off, You tone-deaf asshole," said my father. Of course...

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